
Archive for November, 2019

A Short, Blunt Case Against Philanthropy

November 30, 2019 Comments off

Axios offers a succinct explanation of how philanthropy is undemocratic. After reading this it is not hard to connect the dots between “charitable giving to charter schools” and profiteering billionaires.

Not ‘Free Stuff,’ But Public Goods: Ocasio-Cortez Denounces Neoliberal Talking Points on Publicly-Funded Education and Housing

November 30, 2019 Comments off

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez eloquently counters the neoliberal arguments against free college by noting that ANYTHING that is funded publicly is available to everyone. The argument that free college underwrites the children of billionaires is a preposterous as arguing that road construction benefits them more because they drive nicer cars. The debate she’s raising is what constitutes a public good; what is government’s responsibility to the public. When we can afford to pay for more public goods if we raised taxes on those who make billions the question is “Why aren’t we doing it?”

Source: Not ‘Free Stuff,’ But Public Goods: Ocasio-Cortez Denounces Neoliberal Talking Points on Publicly-Funded Education and Housing

Categories: Uncategorized

Scorecard Assumes Education’s Primary End is $$$$$

November 27, 2019 Comments off

It comes as no surprise that Betsy DeVos’ USDOE sees earnings as the primary metric for determining the value of post secondary education. One possible way to change her perspective on this might be to emphasize that she is pursuing an Obama era initiative. For sure her boss would abandon it if he knew that was the case!

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